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Politics and Society

Popov, E. V. The Problem of Integration of Knowledge in a Modern Sociology of Education

Abstract: Modern sociology of education raises a question about its involvement into a wider context of sociohumanitarian researches conducted in various branches of knowledge such as anthropology, history, psychology, philosophy and others. Previously, sociology of education was aimed at institutional characteristics of its basic subject but today ontological characteristics become very important, too. The main conclusion is that sociology of education must not only ‘coordinate’ theory and practice, but also define transformations of values and norms in a modern society which eventually resulted in the need in changing the entire system of Russian education. Moreover, it is empathized that the society-centered approach of sociology of education is not quite enough for describing the surrounding world. The main point is that the vector of development of social studies in general and sociology of education in particular is a culture-centered approach which actualizes traditions, values and knowledge connected with the mentality of the culture carrier. The results of this study can be used in practice of sociological researches based on the culture approach. This is one of the key aspects this article is devoted to.


sociology (social studies), education, mentality, ontology, pedagogy, knowledge, skills, system, values, norms.

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