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Politics and Society

Gurbanov, R. A. Supranational Law, its Judicial Guarantee at the Supranational Level and Integration into Internal Law and Order as Factors Stimulating Interaction between Justice Authorities in the European Space

Abstract: The article describes factors stimulating international law interaction between national and supranational justice authorities. Appearance of supranational justice authorities in a modern world is viewed as the top-priority prerequisites for relationships between justice authorities. Other principles of modern international and European laws such as the principle of direct effect of supranational law, the principle of supremacy of supranational law, legally binding decisions of supranational justice authorities and so on are represented as the grounds for interaction between national and supranational justice authorities.


European law, European Union, Council of Europe, justice authorities, supranational judicial guarantee for supranational law, supranational justice authorities, national justice authorities, interaction between justice authorities.

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