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Politics and Society

Memetova, Z. F. Age Psychological Features of the Modern Young Political Leader.

Abstract: Formation of the political leader, its psychological features is influenced by various factors and one of them is the age. Aging of the political leader in many cases is accompanied by change of reformatory or revolutionary style of political activity with a more conservative style. For the young political leader it is necessary to be bright, courageous, assured of the words and acts, to be one step away ahead of all, to be well informed about new styles, news, to possess the knowledge not accessible to others. One more distinctive feature of the young political leader – ability to be non-standard, original, even orthodox, to present standard thoughts in unusual way and, of course, an important position occupies an ability to motivate others on realization of these ideas.


age, psychological, features, political, young, leadership, subjectivity, theories, aging

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