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Politics and Society

Bulatov, O. Sh. Plurality in Russia: Historical and Legal Aspects of Peculiarities of Establishing Political Parties in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: Plurality institution is one of the most important qualities of the civil society and democracy in modern Russia and political parties are the key factors to reinforcement of the democratic nature of the country. Due to the fact that establishment of plurality in Russia developed in many directions and underwent a number of serious stages, the author of the article makes an attempt to describe how the country transferred from the system of one party to the system of multiple parties. The author also analyzed the basic variants or ways of establishment of political parties in modern Russia and described the main problems related to improvement of legislation on political parties. The author also considered the latest legislative initiatives of the President of the RF declared at the meeting of the State Council on development of the political system of Russia held in January 2010.


studies of law, pluralism, parties, constitutions, president, improvement, body of electors, council, Medvedev

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