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Politics and Society

Shugurov, M. V. General Legal Principle of the Formal Certainty of Law in Practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the Sphere of the Human Rights and Freedoms Protection: Aspects of National Law and International Law

Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal content of the general legal principle of the formal certainty of law in accordance to the conclusions of the Constitutional Court. This principle is viewed as a certain standard of international law and a requirement for a lawgiver and legal practitioner. The author fully analyzed concrete examples of using this principle in the form of the principle of certainty regulating the human rights and freedoms. The author also studied how the principle of the formal certainty of law is used in human rights work held by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.


studies of law, constitution, rights, protection, certainty, law, human, justice, law enforcement, interpretation

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