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Politics and Society

Tarasenko, O.V. Management in the sphere of use and protection of transportation land and the structure of state bodies, implementing control in this sphere.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of definition of management in the sphere of use and protection of transportation lands by the renowned scientists of the Soviet period, as well as modern scientists. Due to the lasting administrative reform, the author studies classification, structure and functions of the of the management bodies in this sphere, as well as all spheres of organizational and legal mechanisms for ensuring application of land law That is why study of the structure of state bodies in this sphere is so topical. The author offers to amend legislation in order to make management in this sphere more efficient, and to change the sphere of competence of federal executive bodies in the sphere of protection of transportation lands. Keywords: jurisprudence, lands, transportation, management, use, state, bodies, Ministry, transportation, structure

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