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Politics and Society

Stepanenko, V.S., Rericht, A.A., Frolov, A.N. Cooperative ecological policy: new direction of ecological and political activities. Review on the book Kooperative Umweltpolitik (Hrsg. Hansjürgens B., Köck W., Kneer G.), Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003. - 364 ñ.).

Abstract: The achievements in development and realization of the ecological policy in the European Union do not mean that the legal scholars can forget about this sphere of studies. On the opposite, the progress boosts their wish to find new forms of political and legal influence on the behaviour of various subjects of environmental use and protection: people, their associations, enterpreneurs and their unions, government bodies and municipal bodies. The book, review on which you may find in this article, is a fine example of such quest for new measures. It is devoted to the cooperative ecological policy…

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