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Politics and Society

Dubovik, O.L., Zabelina, M.I. Legal regulation of environmental sales. Review of the books: Trüeb Hans Rudolf. Umweltrecht in der WTO. Staatliche Regulierungen im Kontext des internationalen Handelsrecht. Zürich, Schulthess, 2001. 540 S.; Wiers Johem: Trade and Environment in the EC and the WTO. A Legal Analysis. Eurpa Law Publishing. Groningen 2003, 496 pages.

Abstract: Lately the European scholars pay more and more attention to legal regulation of environmental sales. This review concents two rather important monographs: Trüeb Hans Rudolf. Umweltrecht in der WTO. Staatliche Regulierungen im Kontext des internationalen Handelsrecht and Wiers Johem: Trade and Environment in the EC and the WTO. A Legal Analysis. These monographs provide the reader with the information on the state of scientific studies of ecological sales policy, judicial practice, topical tendencies of international and European law on environmental requirements to sales.

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