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Politics and Society

Gainullina, I.S. Specific features of the modern legal system of ensuring the constitutional principle of equal rights of men and women in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the analysis of the correlation between the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutions of its subjects and provisions of labor law on non-discrimination of women in the sphere of labor. The author studies existing problems and gaps in the law, evaluates current general policy and practical problems. As the author notes, analysis of the National plan of activities aimed to improve the position of women and their role in the society for the years 2001 – 2005, as adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, gives us little hope that in the year 2005 the position of women in Russia in the labor sphere shall be subject to a positive change. The Plan does little to deal with vertical and horizontal segregation of women, to overcome inequalities related to the ratio of men and women in certain professions, to smooth over the regional differences in the economic activities of men and women, their incomes and salaries.

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