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Politics and Society

Obukhova, E.S. Organizational and legal basis of participation of the Russian Federation in the activities of the European Court of Human Rights.

Abstract: Obukhova, E.S.’s article contains analysis of the organizational and legal bases of participation of the Russian Federation in the activities of the European Court of Human Rights, and, first of all, of the activities of the Russian ombudsman. Author notes the necessity of development of normative provisions, providing detailed regulation of cooperation of the Russian ombudsman at the European Court of Human Rights and the Russian state bodies and NGOs. The author also pays attention to the legislative regulation of payment of compensation in case of amicable agreement of the state with a person, who has filed a claim at the ECHR. Now, in seven years after the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms was ratified by Russia, such a mechanism does not exist.

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