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Law and Politics

Brezhnev O.V. Establishment and research of the factual circumstances at the constitutional legal proceedings: theoretical and practical issues

Abstract: The subject of this research is the legal relations, arising in the sphere of constitutional legal proceedings in establishing and researching the factual circumstances of the case. In comparative terms the author shows the amount of the factual circumstances, researched at various stages of the constitutional justice, and reveals the procedural specifics of their establishment, depending on the organizational form of constitutional legal proceedings and features of the concrete power of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Emphasis is made on the difference between the constitutional legal proceedings in respect to the establishment and research of the factual circumstances and other procedural forms of the judicial power. Based on an analysis of the legislation and judicial practice the author determines an auxiliary and subsidiary role of the factual circumstances in the course of the proceedings, subordinate to the Constitutional Court. Taking into account the prospects of development of justice in Russia the author demonstrates the procedural means for the establishment of these circumstances, highlights the most significant current trends regarding the impact of the need to research the factual circumstances to determine the competence of the body of constitutional control.  


justice, powers, norm, constitution, inquiry, legislation, factual circumstances, court, proceedings, process

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