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Law and Politics

Pautova M.N. Formation and development of legislation on foreign investments in the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The paper investigates the formation and development of legislation on foreign investments in the fuel and energy complex of Russia. Subject articles studied in chronological order, where the focus is on the legal basis of the post-Soviet period of development of legislation in the field of foreign investment in the energy sector. We consider the federal laws "On foreign investments", "On Concession Agreements", "On Production Sharing Agreements", etc. The paper used for the classical jurisprudence methods. Among them: the formal-logical, comparative legal, abstraction and modeling. The novelty of the material is to provide a periodization of formation and development of legislation in the field of foreign investment in the energy sector. It provided a new stage in the formation of legislation: the crisis (2008-2016), which is characterized by softening of conditions for foreign investments in the energy sector in order to attract. Indeed, if the previous periods were characterized as softening, and the tightening of conditions for foreign investors - ie, were in different directions, the main trend of modern legislation in the sphere of investments in the energy sector is to mitigate the conditions for foreign investment, which is directly reflected in the legislative reforms of the modern period.


fuel and energy complex, bosom, investment, foreign investment, Russian Federation, legislation, reform, formation, development, oil and gas industry

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