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Law and Politics

Yarovenko V.V. Participation of attesting witnesses in an investigation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the legal regulation of the participation of the attesting witnesses in investigations. The author gives attention to the legislative changes of the institution of attesting witnesses in Russia, which prompted a discussion among both, scholars and legal professionals. The article explores various opinions of scholars and the investigative-legal practice of investigative work involving attesting witnesses. An undefined, and an important from the practical point of view factor, is the questioning of the attesting witness on the witness stand and acceptance of their statement as proof. The author comes to the conclusion that there is a need for changes in the participation of attesting witnesses in investigations with consideration of the realities of today. A guarantee of the validity of evidence will in time be ensured by use of technological means of recording of facts used by the investigators and specialists, rather than by participation of attesting witness in investigations. In order to exclude the problem of validity of the recording of evidence via technological means, it is necessary to implement Part 2 of the Article 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes responsibility of the detectives and investigators for falsification of evidence.


Testimony, Investigation, Evidence, Attesting witness, Protection, Recording, Technological means, Court, Investigator, Inquiry

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