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Law and Politics

Musalova Z.M., Gabieva S.M., Gadzhieva Kh.V. Interaction of the head of a subject of the Russian Federation with the President of the Russian Federation

Abstract:   The object of this research is the public relations emerging in the process of interaction between the head of a subject of the Russian federation with the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the place of the senior official of a subject of Russian federation within the mechanism of government authority. The authors analyze this position as a head of the subject of Russian Federation who is called to ensure the interests of his people on one hand, and as an element of a the system of executive authority according to part 2 of Article 77 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Based on the research of the interaction of a subject of the Russian Federation with the President of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that among federal branches of government authority it is the head of state that has the highest authority with regards to the highest official of the subject of the federation, which results from his authority to ensure coordinated functionality and cooperation between the branches of government power.  


authority, mechanism of separation of powers, interaction, head of the subject, president, constitution, law, federation, system, state power

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