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Law and Politics

Andreev S.V. The legal bases of interaction of bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation and local authorities in the sphere of transport services

Abstract: The subject of this article is the legislation governing the transport service of the population and the need for establishing cooperation between state authorities of the RF subjects and local authorities in the field of socially useful activity. With a focus on their joint activities in the sphere of transport of passengers by bus is the most accessible to the public form of public transport. In the process of the study were used widely tested scientific methods of dialectical materialist knowledge, as well as the system-structural method, the analysis of the laws and other legal acts, formal-logical method. Collectively called the method was the methodology of this study.Problems article is among undeveloped in the legal literature. In this connection, the elements of novelty have definitions of "the interaction of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government" and "the organization of transport services", as well as the characterization of the essence of the interaction of bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government for the organization of public transport services. The novelty is contained in the proposals on improvement of legal regulation of their activities in this socially important sector.


Public authority, Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal law, Transit strategy, Regional legislation, Mass transit, Government branches, Constituents of the Russian Federation, local self-governance, Cooperation

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