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Law and Politics

Zhavoronkova N.G., Zheleznov D.S. Land law problems of placement of linear and other economically significant objects of state and local importance

Abstract: This article presents analysis of the legal constructs (seizure of land, easement, lease agreement), which would allow access to private land for the purpose of placing linear or other economically significant objects of state and local importance. The subject of this study is the norms of the Russian legislation that regulates the relations pertaining to construction and reconstruction of such objects, as well as the positions of doctrinal research on this topic and legal positions reflected in legal precedent. The authors come to a conclusion that none of the stated legal mechanisms can be unequivocally recommended to persons interested in placement of linear or other economically significant objects on private land due to legal issues associated with their application. Based on this fact, the authors formulate a proposal on improving the current legislation.


Placement, Lease agreement, Easement, Seizure of land, Objects of local importance, Objects of state importance, Linear objects, Construction, Reconstruction, Balance of interests

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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