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Law and Politics

Manoylo A.V. Color revolutions in the context of hybrid warfare

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the role of the color revolutions technologies in the modern hybrid warfare which under the conditions of crisis of the unipolar world system and chaotization of the international relations became the newest forms of armed conflict. Hybrid warfare are waged using non-military forms of influence upon the enemy, such as technologies of information warfare and psychological operations, instruments of economic isolation and blockade, mechanisms of political destabilization inside the country; and namely these means force him to comply with the aggressor. Military force in hybrid wars is usually applied only after the outcome of the fight is clear, and is used to demonstratively “punish” the losing side. The color revolutions however, despite implementing same instruments to destroy the enemy in their schemes and scenarios, considerably differ from hybrid wars in their tasks and goals, and play an independent role in the modern processes of desovereignization, collapse, and dismantlement of political regimes.  


International relations, Color revolutions, Hybrid warfare, Geopolitics, USA, Society, Politics, International conflicts, Political stability, Security

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