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Law and Politics

Bogdan V.V., Ukolov D.S. Comparative characteristics of the legislative regulation of the institution of life estate in the member-states of the CIS

Abstract: This article examines one of the most relevant issues of modern civil law – life estate. The authors analyze the legislation pertaining to this institution within the civil codes of the member-states of the CIS. Emphasis is made on the specificity of the content of norms that govern the aspects of life estate, as well as their general and distinct features. A special attention is given to the reception of the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation by other member-states of the CIS, as well as the special aspects of regulation of these relations within legal systems that do not have the institution of life estate within their national civil codes. The authors are some of the first to raise the issue of comparison of the positions of the civil codes of the CIS member-states on life estate. The authors formulate a conclusion that the concurrent emergence of the norms regulating life estate in virtually all of the CIS countries provides an objective possibility of borrowing separate legal norms that regulate life estate.


Civil legislation, Agreement, Life estate, Rent payment, Tenant, Landlord, CIS member-states, Real estate, Landlord guarantees, Comparative legal analysis

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