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Law and Politics
Get'man-Pavlova I.V., Kalugina S.A. (2015). Choice-of-law regulation of the contractual obligations in the State of Oregon (USA). Law and Politics, 4, 515–529.
Get'man-Pavlova I.V., Kalugina S.A. Choice-of-law regulation of the contractual obligations in the State of Oregon (USA)Abstract: The Russian law doctrine practically has no research on the statutory legislation on Private International Law (PIL) of the United States, even though this country did participate in the global processes of codification of PIL. The subject of this research is the legislative act of the State of Oregon on the choice of law to be applied towards the contractual obligations (2001, rev. 2013). This act codifies the precedent of the State of Oregon; the structure of the act reflects its “judicial orientation”, meant to serve as a guide for the judges. At the same time, the act is “scientifically oriented”, and its positions reproduce the most successful doctrinal experience of American Choice-of-Law Revolution. The authors conclude that the rules of the act are based on the synthesis of flexible choice-of-law approaches and certain norms. Oregon’s legislators were able to achieve the optimal balance between flexibility and predictability of the choice-of-law regulation of contracts. Keywords: conflict approach, choice-of-law rules, Private International Law, the USA, Oregon, codification, contractual obligations, conflict regulation, the American choice-of-law Revolution, statutory legislation
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