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Law and Politics

Kurbanov R.A. Regional integration in Africa: Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (CIMA)

Abstract: This article examines the functionality, institutional structure, work and main types of normative acts of CIMA. The author reviews the correlation between this organization and national insurance organizations of the African member-states, as wells as analyzes the impact of its work upon the legislation of the member-states. The author notes that this organization is a supranational regional organization, as it deeply integrates the legislation of the member-states with the supranational law developed by this organization. The article highlights the fact that the deep integrational processes that we can observe within the framework of this organization are limited only by a separate sphere of legislative cooperation between the member-states – the insurance industry.


Inter-African Conference, insurance, unification of legislation, harmonization of legislation, integration, regionalisation, institutional structure, member states, integration processe, treaty

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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