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Law and Politics
Gubareva A.V., Chulichkova E.V. (2015). Ecogenesis within international commerce. Law and Politics, 4, 498–506.
Gubareva A.V., Chulichkova E.V. Ecogenesis within international commerceAbstract: This article is dedicated to the research of the global integration processes with participation of Russia, including the sphere of international commerce. The object of the research is the activity of Russia within such organizations as WTO and Customs Union, which requires research on the issues of adopting the rules of foreign trade to the social and economic conditions of country’s development, taking into account the environmental component of this development. The special relevance lies in the expansion of the issues related to the development of legal regulation of industrial activity, financial and landing provisions of this activity, and insuring the economic security of Russia under the conditions of its membership in the WTO and Customs Union. It is necessary to recommend the legislator to devise adequate mechanisms for state regulation within the current situation in Russia. Keywords: mechanisms of regulation, foreign organizations, foreign economic activity, economic policy, food security, health of humans, protection of life, technical regulations, internationale trade, regulation of industrial activity
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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