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Law and Politics

Popov E.A. Sociologist as an expert: expanding the boundaries of law enforcement

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the various aspects of sociologists’ participation in the judicial sociological investigation. It reveals the difficulties and problem areas within the development of social knowledge as a whole and sociology in particular, which can affect the quality of forensic science within the framework of a specific criminal investigation. The author presents certain methods of raising the level of forensic examination by involving professional sociologists. Expansion of the boundaries of law enforcement allows a sociologist to participate in a wide spectrum of forensic examinations. The following are some of the main conclusions made in this research: the addition of new complex multivariable notions within criminal law justifies the need for involvement into forensic investigations of professionals such as sociologists; the level of success of forensic sociological investigation depends not only on the professional competency of the expert sociologist, but also on their knowledge of the legal environment.


Society, sociology, forensic science, expert, social group, sociological investigation, commune, law enforcement, legal environment, legal norm

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