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Law and Politics

Ambartsumyan S.G. Information technologies within law: history, issues, opportunities

Abstract: The subject of this research is the use of information technologies within law. The article reviews the early stages of the conception of legal cybernetics, and presents the key problems and opportunities for future development of this branch of science. It examines both, the more simple forms of use of information technologies within law (for example, within the justice in order to simplify the paperwork process between the parties in a court proceeding), as well as the more complex issues (such as use of information technologies in making legally significant decisions, including court ruling). A special attention is given to the importance of development of such relevant problem as implementation of artificial intelligence within law. The author concludes that despite the current difficulties in development of legal cybernetics and information technologies within law, a considerable amount of progress has already been made, and the opportunities for further implementation of these technologies are rather great. The modern trend of the social development dictates the necessity to apply the information technologies into the law as into any other area of everyday life.


Law, legal cybernetics, information technologies, artificial intelligence, logic, law enforcement, artificial intelligence, computer, internet, communication, automation.

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