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Law and Politics

Gurbanov R.A.O. European Commission for the Effi ciency of Justice – a consultative body of the Council of Europe, which develops and provides the implementation of recommendations in the sphere of administration of justice

Abstract: This article presents the functions of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice, its purpose, nature and organizational foundations. The mechanism of functioning of the Commission and its structure are being researched. The normative legal acts of the Council of Europe are being reviewed in the article. The author examines certain aspects of functioning of the Commission, as well as describes its cooperation with other branches of the Council of Europe and member states of the Council of the Council of Europe. The author emphasizes that the Commission possesses the analytical and recommendation functions that are used in the cooperation with other member states of the Council of Europe. Separate documents on the Council of Europe and the Commission in particular, along with the results of their work are being analyzed. The author also notes that the key function of the Commission consists in the assistance of implementation of the European standards pertaining to the justice and law enforcement of the member countries.


Efficiency for the justice, Council of Europe, European Commission, correlation, European standards, branches of the Council of Europe, court rulings, human rights, consultative activity, international law.

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