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Law and Politics

Kovalev, I.G. Problem of regional representation in the British House of Lords

Abstract: The article involves analysis of the problem of development and practical implementation of the constitutional modernization problem in the Great Britain. The central attention is paid to its two aspects: transfer of competence from center to regional bodies within the framework of devolution program, and the reform of the House of Lords. The author analyzes the complex of causes for the need to correct the constitutional legal mechanism of the United Kingdom, evaluating the attitude towards it of the key political parties in the UK and the internal groups and movements within these parties. The author studies the history of regional representation in the higher chamber of the British Parliament. The author evaluates the reforms, which already took place, distinguishing their positive and negative consequence, uncovering perspectives and directions for the further modernization of the state administration mechanism. The author notes close links and interdependency of these changes. Growing regionalization requires formation of the new relationships with the central government, making the issue of revision of the principles of formation and spheres of competence of the higher chamber of the Parliament, and once again including into the agenda the issue of correcting the election system.


The Great Britain, constitutional reform, the House of Lords, devolution, regionalization, nationalism, political strife, Conservatives, Labourites, representation.

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