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Law and Politics

Demetradze, M.R. Problems of non-conformity of socio-cultural policy of Russia with the processes of global modernization

Abstract: The work is dedicated to the identification of obstacles that are hampering the modernization of Russia. The crises of various state institutions, as well as those of civil society and the object systems of life-support and life-sustenance, are analyzed. The requirements of modern socio-cultural policy, as the most appropriate theoretical basis for the institutionalization of modernization processes in Russia and in the former Soviet Union, have been considered. However, as reality shows, the need for institutional rational-construction forms of management, the identification of negative factors of society’s development, the search for the methods of overcoming different forms of conservative traditionalism and the creation of a socio-cultural model of the State, have not been realized either by politicians or by the individuals in post-Soviet societies. Social changes and transformation, scientific and technological progress, urbanization, competitiveness of the states, the style of their participation in the world’s economic and political processes, as well as in the international organizations – the quality of this set of signs has become the criterion of the tradition of modern societies and states. However, in terms of the socio-cultural approach that we adhere to, modernization cannot be considered in the context of solely economic benefits, advantages and the dominance of one state over others. The current processes in Russia and in the former Soviet Union should be evaluated on the basis of objective evidence, characterizing the situation of ordinary members of society (the anthropological basis of the socio-cultural methodology gives a distinct socio-cultural orientation to it). Thus, modernization can be defined as socio-cultural transformation in society in the conditions of its transition to a higher form of development on the basis of identifying the motivational forces aimed at creating a modern State.


modernization, civil society institutions, modernization theories, socio-cultural policy, institutionalization, civil society, social interests, development indices and social State.

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