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Law and Politics
Poyarkov, S.Y. (2013). Constitutionalism as a basis
for the rational political system in a modern society. Law and Politics, 13, 1882–1890.
Poyarkov, S.Y. Constitutionalism as a basis for the rational political system in a modern societyAbstract: The object of this article is constitutionalism as the basis for the rational political system in the modern society. The goal of the analysis is to substantiate the systemic role of constitutionalism in the formation of the political system as a special perfect form of rationality, based on the maximization principle, allowing to establish and achieve the rational interaction between the state and civil society, and allowing for the maximum positive effect. Based on the methodology of the systemic approach, the author points out that constitutionalism serves as a special system, defining the form of organizations and dynamics of political power in the interactions between the state and civil society, while the inherent contradictions serve as the source for its development. Based on such an understanding, it is stated that constitutionalism is capable of forming the basis for the rational interaction, providing for certain parameters of the political power organization and functioning of the political system as an entity. It follows from the fact that the role of constitutionalism is to provide activity resources (the sub-system of ideas and values), to determine the parameters for the activity (institutional sub-system) and factual methods and forms of activity (behavior sub-system) in the political system of a society. Accordingly, it is in the process of constitutional mediation that the “confusing” influences of the environment on the political system are substitute, allowing for the structuring and functioning of its elements adequately to constitutionalism. Keywords: constitutionalism, political system, systemic approach, rationality, state, political power, civil society, political and legal environment, wholeness, society.
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