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Law and Politics

Koblov, S.Y. International legal regulation of the Soviet-American trade and economic relations (1933 to 1990)

Abstract: The article describes the process of development of international legal regulation of trade and economic relations between the USSR and the USA starting from the time of formation of the USSR, and ending with its break-up. He provides brief analysis of the key trade and economic treaties among two states. Special attention is paid to the trade relations between two states during the 2nd World War. This issue is topical, since two states – the USSR and the USA belonged to different social and economic formation, and had an impact upon their trade and economic relations. Throughout all of the stages of Russian-American relations their economic element was closely connected and directly determined by political interests of the states, first of all, of the USA. Usually, the problems in political relations caused stagnation or lessening amount of foreign trade and economic relations in other spheres.


the USSR, the USA, trade, economics, land-lease, treaties, international, trade relations, trade and economics, Soviet-American.

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