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Law and Politics

Berg, L. N. Rule-making as a type of legal policy

Abstract: This article contains an analysis of one type of legal policy – rule-making. Rule-making requires a reliable conceptual justification. Conducting such an analysis involves an in-depth understanding of this type of legal policy, of its features and its subject matter. The article considers the framework of the actors in the rule-making domain, which include a large range of individuals and organizations. A variety of existing shortcomings in this area, most prominent of which is the delay in meeting the objective needs of society, reflect negatively on the socio-economic, socio-political and state-legal development of the state. The author considers the various stages of the mechanism for legal regulation, from establishing legal norms to the optional final stage, when community organizations and representatives of civil society become involved as actors, as well as the use of legal monitoring. In relation to rule-making, intelligible legal policy is designed to address these gaps and thus make it a truly effective instrument of state management of society.


legal policy, academic community, process of making law, law enforcement, legislative system, legal monitoring, legal controls, enforcement of rights, range of rule-making, legal progress

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