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Law and Politics

Sevoyan, D.G., Suntzov, A. P. Current issues faced by constituent republics of the Russian Federation in providing their people with the constitutional right to the preservation of their national language

Abstract: There are 277 languages and dialects currently in use in the Russian Federation. At the same time, as is noted in the Nationalities Policy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025, the public education system uses 89 languages: 30 are languages of instruction and 59 are the subject of study. In this context, the role of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to ensure the constitutional right of peoples to preserve their native language, as envisaged by Part 3 of Article 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, comes to the fore. Analysis of federal and regional legislation reveals a positive experience in the practice of consolidating the laws of the Russian Federation for the main uses of the languages of the various peoples of the Russian Federation. This can be seen in government organizations and bodies of the republics; in the adoption and publication of laws and regulations; in the organization and conduct of elections and referenda; in education, science and culture; in the notation of names, titles, symbols; and in the provision of information. This is the experience of the 19 republics of the Russian Federation which have passed legislation on national languages, providing additional guarantees for the preservation of the language of titular peoples. Simultaneously, the constituent territories of the Russian Federation need to make an effort to preserve the native language of other peoples of Russia who live closely together in the various territories of the Russian Federation. Under current conditions, these types of efforts should be allocated targeted financial support for national-cultural autonomies, support which has to date been successfully implemented in a number of constituent territories of the Russian Federation.


constitutional law, preservation of mother tongue, national language, titular peoples, national-cultural autonomy, laws of republics, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, official languages, ethnic minorities, indigenous minorities

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