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Law and Politics

Aleinikov, A.V., Osipov, I.D. Historiology of the Russian Constitutionalism: political and philosophical analysis

Abstract: The article is devoted to the roots of constitutional process in Russia and the historical paradigms of the Russian Constitutionalism. The authors analyze the views of various Russian scientists on the ideas of Constitutionalism in various historic periods, provide analysis and classification of such views. The authors single out and provide detailed analysis of two main forms: Constitutionalism, which politically and legally limits the supreme power, and Constitutionalism, which is based on trust to the supreme power. The authors analyze evolution of dualistic and triadic models of Constitutionalism in the Russian thought, and provide detailed descriptions of original liberal, conservative and radical concepts, paying special attention to the differences in their axiological bases. The authors prove that the current Russian Constitution is a result of the reasonable compromise among various social values, directly referring to the basic principles of the Constitutionalism. It enshrines both liberal values of natural rights and freedoms of person and citizen, doctrine of ruleof- law state, separation of powers, democracy and civil society, and conservative elements for unity and sovereignty of the strong Russian statehood, while supporting the principle of federalism and historic tradition of the people.


Russia, Constitution, constitutional process, Constitutionalism, liberalism, conservative, state, supreme power, law, philosophy of law.

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