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Law and Politics

Dolgopolov, K.A. Problems of improvement of norms on the types of co-participation in crime

Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical problem regarding improvement of norms on the types of co-participation in crimes. The author evaluates the issue of qualification of intermediary acts in bribery. It is offered to amend the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by adding an intermediary as a separate type of co-participator in crime. The author shows the necessity to also introduce a provoker as a new type of co-participator in crime .The author offers a novel draft of Art. 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with an added paragraph 6. He also shows the advisability of amending the Criminal Code with a novel Art. 304.1


jurisprudence, co-participation, punishment, instigator, accomplice, perpetrator, intermediary, qualification, bribe, provoker.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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