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Law and Politics

Borisenkov, A.A. On political power and its relation to the state power.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the nature and types of political power, its correlation with the state power and its value for the state government. It is shown that political power and state power are different types of social power, and each of them has its own purpose and means of implementation. At the same time, they may be closely correlated, if one is to analyze political power within the state system, which serves as means of influence on its executive institutions. The author provides that any social power is an institutionally formed social power. The author shows the correlation between the political power and political institutions, including the state political institutions, which form the state superstructure. The author also notes the role of these institutions within the state government system. Based on the definition of political power, the author formulates the law of political development.


politics, political power, political institution, state institution, state government, state power, state administration, state organism.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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