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Law and Politics

Karsakova, S.V. The influence of the state reforms of Tsar Peter the 1st on the situation in the Russian society.

Abstract: The state reforms of Tsar Peter the 1st touched upon the class and estate structure of the Russian society. In this article they are evaluated from the novel point of view of methodological approaches, such as the synthesis of formation and civilization methods. Within this framework the author evaluates the process of consolidation of the estates in Russia in the first quarter of the XVIII century, she includes analysis of their legal status. The reform of state and law in the social sphere at that time was due to the transfer to a new form of organization of state power – the Russian Empire. In their turn, the reforms of Tsar Peter the 1st caused a serious civilization shift in the development of the Russian society.


jurisprudence, Tsar Peter the 1st, society, consolidation, estates, absolute, monarchy, social, reform, Table of Ranks.

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