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Law and Politics

Goncharov, A.I., Chernomorets, A.E. The human capital in the production sphere: problems of legal comprehension and perspectives of development in the modern Russia.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical problem related to the lack of highly qualified professionals, as well as the low salaries of persons employed in the sphere of production. In the opinion of the authors in order to resolve these problems, there is need to amend the legislation, so that the role of persons, who participate in social production with the human capital of their intellectual and physical abilities, shall be elevated to the proper level. In order to achieve this goal, the authors offer to introduce the legal provisions (preferably in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) enshrining the abilities of a person as its inalienable property. The basis for such provisions can be found in Art. 34 and 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The human capital in the production sphere is not officially recognized, but it has always held a leading position, since its quality and efficiency of its application are crucial for the economic development of production enterprises as well as the state as a whole. Human capital plays a special role in the current situation when the production becomes more and more technologically complex.


jurisprudence, individual, business company, proprietary capital, intellectual abilities, physical abilities, material benefits, moral benefits, production, right to property.

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