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Law and Politics

Brezhnev, O.V. The plenipotentiary on human rights as a participant of the constitutional judicial procedure: problems, tendencies and perspectives.

Abstract: The institution of the Plenipotentiary on Human Rights assists establishment of the guarantees of protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of persons. That is why, there is need for the Plenipotentiary in the Russian Federation to cooperate with the similar officials in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and other elements of mechanisms for the protection of human rights, such as the constitutional justice bodies. The article provides comparative analysis of possible models of such participation of the Plenipotentiary in the constitutional judicial process: as a party, as a person who has a right to take part in such procedure in the public legal goals, as an invited officer. Taking into consideration the perspectives of constitutional justice in Russia and the need to achieve the goals of judicial reform, the author points out positive aspects and topical issues in the sphere of legislative regulation of protection of human rights via the constitutional control. Then the author points out the tendencies in the procedural statuses of the Plenipotentiary on Human Rights as a participant of constitutional judicial process.


jurisprudence, plenipotentiary, rights, freedoms, constitutional, justice, judicial procedure, status, complaint, procedure.

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