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Law and Politics

Golovnya, A.I. Political and legal protection of the vital interests of the state: condition and perspectives of improvement in the evaluations of military specialists.

Abstract: The article relates to the preliminary results of the scientific experiment on establishing the content-related limits to the problem-based area in the sphere of guarantees of national security. Based on the above-mentioned data the author makes the conclusion on the theoretical limits to the area, then discusses the initiatives in order to deal with the legal defects and gaps.


experiment plan; information massif; respondents; legal gaps, uncertainty of legal statuses; priorities of legal policy.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Bykov V.V. Metody nauki. – M.: Nauka, 1974.
2. Golovnya A.I. Voennyy segment pravovoy politiki sfery obespecheniya bezopasnosti gosudarstva: teoreticheskiy analiz. Monografiya.-M: NIiRIO MPI FSB Rossii, 2011. – 496 s