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Law and Politics

Voinova, L.E. Financial guarantees of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs of Russia as a direction of budgetary activity of the state.

Abstract: The state management of the public Þ nancial resources is deÞ ned by the budget policy, as a part of Þ nancial policy. It is currently aimed for budget de-centralization, while the budgeting of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Russian Federation and other Þ scal organizations tends t budget centralization. The variety of activities of the structural divisions of the MDA of the Russian Federation in the sphere of national security and law-enforcement activities directly depends on budget Þ nancing and requires Þ nancial and regal regulation, which would correspond to the modern level of social development. The budget guarantees of the activities of the MDA is related to the formation and spending of the centralized funds of Þ nancial resources, which are necessary for the normal functioning and development of the divisions of the domestic affairs bodies and the entire system.


jurisprudence, Budget Address of the President of the Russian Federation, budget policy, decentralization, centralization, guarantees, budget, the MDA of Russia, Þ scal institutions, decentralization policy, budget guarantees of the MDA of Russia.

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