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Law and Politics

Nikitina, O.P. Judicial examination of a document as a method of control over the claims of falsifi cation of evidence in the arbitration process.

Abstract: The goal of this article is to study the role of judicial examination of a document as one of the means of analysis of claims on falsifi cation of documents. Examination of the document in question by the court is important in order to evaluate the position of the party to the case, who asks for an expertise, as well as the counter-arguments of his opponent, and to form the opinion of the court on its authenticity and the necessity of an expertise. The main goal is to fi nd elements of the document which give grounds for the doubts in its authenticity. The results of such an examination may strengthen or weaken the doubts of a judge in authenticity of a document, and become one of the grounds for supporting or denying the claim for the expertise, it also may be helpful for the establishment of questions for an expert, as well as for the preparation of materials for the expertise, and in general it facilitates correct and timely rulings on the cases.


jurisprudence, viewing, document, claim, expertise, control, court, authenticity, process, evidence.

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