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Law and Politics

Shugrina, E.S. The right of foreign citizens for qualifi ed legal aid.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the specifi c features of implementation of the right of the foreign citizens for qualifi ed legal aid. Under part 1 of Art. 48 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation each person is guaranteed the right to have qualifi ed legal aid. This formula provides for such a right for anyone not depending on citizenship. However in some cases provision of legal aid depends on citizenship of the Russian Federation. The author points out the differences in aid on civil and criminal cases, she also studies the specifi c features of qualifi ed legal aid, as provided for in the international conventions and treaties with the Russian Federation.


jurisprudence, legal services, foreign citizens, advocates, qualifi ed legal aid, free legal aid, civil cases, criminal cases, international agreements, international treaties, legal aid to foreign persons.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Polyakova N.A. K voprosu o poluchenii inostrannymi grazhdanami i litsami bez grazhdanstva kvalifitsirovan-
2. noy yuridicheskoy pomoshchi besplatno // Migratsionnoe pravo. 2010. №4. S. 9 - 12.