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Law and Politics

Vershilo, N.D. Review of the monograph “Legal responsibility for the environmental offences”

Abstract: This article includes a review of the monograph “Legal responsibility for the environmental offences”, which was prepared by the staff members and doctoral students of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.M. Brinchuk, O.L. Dubovik, A.L. Ivanova, N.S. Kudelkin, G.A. Misnik, T.V. Rednikova, V.V. Sosnovskiy, who analyze the problems of legal responsibility for the environmental offences. The work includes analysis of the bases and prerequisites of legal responsibility for the environmental violations, types of legal responsibility, defi nition and specifi c features of environmental harm, forms of compensation of environmental harm, environmental legal responsibility as an independent type of legal responsibility, etc.


environment, environmental law, jurisprudence, environmental responsibility, environmental violations, environmental harm, environmental offences.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. «Yuridicheskaya
2. otvetstvennost' za ekologicheskie pravonarusheniya»
3. / Otv. red. O.L. Dubovik. M.: IGP RAN, 2012. – 170 s.