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Law and Politics

Sadikova, I.S. Legal aspects of protection of personal data.

Abstract: The article refl ects the key issues, regarding violation of human rights, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, such as the inviolability of private life of every person and the prohibition of collection, keeping, use and distribution of information on private life of a person. The author also analyzes the contradictions in the existing legislation.


jurisprudence, law, inviolability, person, security, data, interests, legislation, information.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Belyaeva N.G. Pravo na neprikosnovennost' chastnoy zhizni dostup k personal'nym dannym // Pravovedenie.
2. 2001. №1. S.101–114.
3. Bachilo I.L. Personal'nye dannye v sfere biznesa // Voprosy zakonodatel'stva. 2002. №1. S.28.