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Law and Politics

Salagay, O.O. Analysis of the legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of protection of persons with mental diseases.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of legal positions of the ECHR in sphere of protection of human rights of persons with mental diseases. Based on the analysis of the precedents it is established that the general paradigm, which predefi nes the logic of the legal approaches of the ECHR to this issue is the following: the persons with mental diseases require special protection from the state and additional procedural guarantees due to their vulnerable states. The author studied the approaches of the Court towards the legality of for involuntary hospitalization, and deprivation of legal capacity, which are most wide-spread and serious cases of interference into the life of persons, who have mental diseases. Then the author generalizes and formulates the criteria, which the ECRH applies, when establishing the facts of violations of the Convention towards the category of people, which was described above. The article includes some thoughts on improvement of the Russian legislation in this sphere.


jurisprudence, the ECHR, the European Court of Human Rights, The European Convention of Human Rights, psychiatry, hospitalization, lack of legal capacity, legal capacity, health, illness, disease.

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