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Law and Politics

Ovchinnikov, S.N. Customs control of the maritime ships in the Russian Federation: legislation and practice.

Abstract: The maritime vessels are popular objects of customs control. Their customs control is performed at the marine points of passage through the state border. The problem exists regarding the customs control of the ships on coastwise raids. They travel from one Russian port to another Russian port without entering foreign ports, but due to geographical, meteorological and other peculiarities, such vessels have to cross state borders outside the points of passage. Then the customs bodies bring owners of the ships and captains to administrative responsibility under Art. 18.1 p.1 of the Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation. The existing practice is based on unreasonably broad interpretation of legislation, and it causes ship owners additional waste of time and fi nancial costs. The author shows the contradictions in the legislation, activities of the customs bodies and the judicial practice, which are related to the above-mentioned problem. Then the author offers to amend the legislation in order to deal with the situation in question.


jurisprudence, control, state, border, marine, vessels, legislation, practice, administrative, responsibility.

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