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Law and Politics

Yakovleva, L.I. Legal regime of visa information system in law of the European Union.

Abstract: The purpose of introducing the Visa Information System is to establish procedures and conditions for the exchange of data between Member States on visas for short stays. Each Member State sends the Commission a list of competent authorities, whose employees are authorized to access, rectify, or delete data in the study of the VIS. In each Member State any person shall have the right to sue or file a complaint with the competent courts of this state, if he is denied access to data pertaining to his or the right to correct or delete the data. Further development and establishment of VIS requires the creation of a comprehensive legal framework.


Yurisprudentsiya, sistema, realizatsiya, obmen, dannye, daktiloskopiya, razrabotka, kooperatsiya, sanktsii

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1. system, realization, exchange, facts, fingerprinting, development, cooperation, monitoring, sanctions.