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Law and Politics

Ibragimov, A.M. International guarantees and the institution of responsibility in the international law.

Abstract: Modern international law includes a number of legal means to guarantee international obligations of states. These means are within a systemic connection with each other, and this fact in turn facilitates implementation of these obligation. This is typical for international legal guarantees and the institution of responsibility. In spite of their conceptual differences, they have much in common for the purpose of achievement of positive result in practical guarantees of international agreement norms.


Yurisprudentsiya, pravo, mezhdunarodnoe pravo, mezhdunarodno-pravovye normy, sredstva, obespechenie, mezhdunarodnye garantii, pravootnosheniya

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1. jurisprudence, law, international law, international legal norms, guarantees, international obligations, international guarantees, relations, responsibilities in the international law.