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Law and Politics

Udartsev, S.F. Legal policy, systematization of legislation and evolution of law.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of correlation between the legal policy and the systematization of legislation along with the evolution of society and law. The author shows variety of interactions of legislative system with various factors, which in turn infl uence the evolution of law. The author then draws a conclusion on relative practical application of forms of systematization. Their implementation largely depends on historical peculiarities of legal systems. So in various states and historical situations similar goals of legal regulation may be attained by various legal means, as well as by various form for brining legislation into the system. At the same time the global legal system now includes all types of systematization of legislation, as expressed in legal policy.


jurisprudence, legal policy, systematization of legislation, consolidation, codifi cation, evolution of law, understanding of law, electronic form of law, levels of law, legal regulation.

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