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Law and Politics

Dobrynin, N.M., Gligich-Zolotareva, M.V. Managing the development of a federation: applied systemic analysis in the sphere of state territorial structure. Part 3. Types of management of development of the federal system.

Abstract: This article is the third in the group of articles, which are devoted to the implementation of the methodology of applied systemic analysis into the sphere of state and territorial structure. The article includes classifi cation of types of government of the development of federal system, among which there are program management, managing a complicated system, regulation, structure management, goal management, management of large systems, management without the information of fi nal goal. The authors provide detailed study of nature and peculiarities of those types of development management, as well as of problems of their practical implementation. At the same time the article starts the evaluation of the algorithm of solution for systemic problems of federalism. The results of it may be used in practical activities dealing with development management for the federal system of Russia.


jurisprudence, applied systemic analysis, federation, state construction, development management, constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, delegation of powers, federal goal-oriented programs, classifi cation of types, algorithm of solution.

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