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Law and Politics

Loginov, V.V. The Cross-Kissing Record of Vassily Shuisky as a result of the oprichnik policy of the Ivan the IV.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the complicated interrelation of the expectations to the legislator of all the classes of the Russian society in one of the hardest periods for the Russian statehood, and their implementation as a declaratory act: the Cross Kissing Record of Vassily Shuisky when entering the throne. The author shows and motivates the differences between the estate representative monarchy and the political regime of oprichnik policy (1565-1572) at the time of reign of Ivan the 4th, as well as the infl uence of it on the Record by Vassily Shuisky.


jurisprudence, lawlessness, criminal policy, oprichnik policy, under-cross record, political regime, estate representative monarchy, Ivan the 4th, Vassily Shuisky, history.

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