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Law and Politics

Lyubarsky, E.S. Value oriented ideologies of terrorism.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the axiological bases for the ideology. The author analyzes the consequences of lack of unity among the values of an individual and of a state, or a social group, to which an individual belongs. He points out that it may lead to various forms of behavior from passive non-acceptance to ruthless fight with the existing regime. The author analyzes the bases for the acceptance or non-acceptance of other value-related systems, which in their extreme form become ethnocentrism, extremism, fanaticism, and fundamentalism, which in turn form the parts of the terrorism ideology. The author then studies peculiar features of religious terrorism, points out the specific features of classic Islam and Islamic fundamentalism, which in turn is reflected in Wahabiism. Then he analyzes its role and important in activation of international terrorism.


political science, terrorism, ideology, ethnocentrism, extremism, fanaticism, fundamentalism, Islamism, Wahabiism, separatism

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